Vitamins question


New Member
Is there vitamins that i can place in the chameleons drinking water rather then the powder to place on the insects?

Is this recommended ?
I am sure it is possible.. but with the way chameleons drink I am sure that you would waste a whole lot of money trying :) If you could just squeeze a few drops in a bowl it would be different, but trying to place enough in a dripper or mister so that the chameleon would get the correct amount would take a massive amount. Also, monitoring the intake of the vitamins would be virtually impossible since some chameleons seem to drink sporadically.
Getting my chameleon to drink is much easier then getting her to eat. I thought it would be a way to supplement her diet.
Getting my chameleon to drink is much easier then getting her to eat. I thought it would be a way to supplement her diet.

You are probably ok to cut-out the supplements her while she is not eating. If she continues to not eat for a week after you moved her to her new enclosure then you have something else to sort out that is keeping her from eating.
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