Viv bottom dweller

Louis Chapman

New Member
I have a female veiled chameleon, Rosalie, she will be 2 in June. She laid her first batch of eggs in November, very successfully and seemed quite happy with the whole experience. In the last 2 weeks she has started to roam around the bottom of the viv on the substrate and she isn't eating as much as usual, maybe 3 hoppers instead of 8-10. She isn't that bothered about coming out much either, where she normally races to you and loves to wander around either on her own or on my shoulder. Should I be worried, or do you think that she is changing her habits as she matures?
55 eggs

Just to let you know that I put the laying bin back in the Viv and she scratched around for days. Rosalie stopped eating altogether and started to fall asleep during the day, I took her to a fantastic vet, who x-rayed her and saw the 'folicles'. He gave me medicine for her, 3 times a day 100ml with a syringe and on the 12th Feb she produced 55 perfect little eggs, non-fertilised and is now back to herself.:)
Very worried about my female. She looks exhausted after 2 days of digging and I think laying eggs last night. She is just laying there looking at her tunnel. Any ideas?
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