Viv flooring


New Member
We were given jungle bark when we bought out chameleon but I've read so many people saying you shouldn't use that.
Can someone advise what the best thing to use is?

Jungle bark would work as a side wall if you have a glass terrarium but not as a floor. I don't recommend using anything on the floor.
We were given jungle bark when we bought out chameleon but I've read so many people saying you shouldn't use that.
Can someone advise what the best thing to use is?


Absorbent paper towels can make cleanup easier and will absorb and hold extra water. Basically you don't want to use anything solid that the cham could get on its tongue and swallow. The only thing I've used in a unique cage situation is a layer of recycled paper pulp often used for mammal bedding. If a piece of it happens to be swallowed it supposedly breaks down into mush and shouldn't block the intestine. No matter what you use it will need cleaning, rotating, and diligent checks for mold.
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