I am looking to buy a starter colony of roaches (discoid, or turkistan since i live in Florida). I was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to sell some, or if anyone knows a good website.
Cool thanks! I actually saw that website, and prices seem very fair. My only concern was how many adult females and how many babies would come in the mixed batch of discoid roaches so i could find out how long it will take to get a colony going and all. What was your batch like?
I did a custom first order to make sure I had some adults to get the colony going. He takes orders over email so it was easy to hash out what I wanted and what he was charging. I didn't give them enough heat to start so I had to get another order to supplement my colony a couple months back.
Yeah if you can get a colony for cheap off Craigslist, that's great for sure! I didn't have any luck with that when I was searching around. Shipping can be so pricey.