Warm mist humidifier?


New Member
I am having trouble keeping my humidity up for my 3 month old Nosy Be. It is consistently around 30% despite frequent misting. The temperature is fine in the cage. So I am looking at humidifiers and found this information:

"Warm Mist Humidifiers:

These humidifiers actually boil the water which causes a distilled steam to be expelled into the room. This steam is like a gentle spray of warm water, as opposed to a vapor, and this is concentrated in the area closest to the humidifier. This warm mist is easier to breathe in a cool room.

They are a little quieter than cool mist humidifiers, and are sold in small portable units. They require more frequent cleaning due to the warm water which encourages bacteria growth in the unit. "

COnsidering it is winter, this seems like a good idea. Which do you all recommend - warm or cool mist for the chams?
IMO either one is fine. I wouldn't point the steam directly into the cage to avoid the drippy wet, but keep it on the side with a tent of some sort to keep half the cage humidified and the other half dry. You can see my set up under "My Solutiion for Humidity". This way your cham has the choice of being "in" or "out". A pic of your set up might help members with other suggestions.
I am having trouble keeping my humidity up for my 3 month old Nosy Be. It is consistently around 30% despite frequent misting. The temperature is fine in the cage. So I am looking at humidifiers and found this information:

"Warm Mist Humidifiers:

These humidifiers actually boil the water which causes a distilled steam to be expelled into the room. This steam is like a gentle spray of warm water, as opposed to a vapor, and this is concentrated in the area closest to the humidifier. This warm mist is easier to breathe in a cool room.

They are a little quieter than cool mist humidifiers, and are sold in small portable units. They require more frequent cleaning due to the warm water which encourages bacteria growth in the unit. "

COnsidering it is winter, this seems like a good idea. Which do you all recommend - warm or cool mist for the chams?

I prefer cool mist units. The temp of the mist seems to be more uniform and there is no chance that plant leaves or chams who just happen to be too close are injured. That heated water spends a lot more time at the perfect temperature for bacteria breeding. It might raise the cage temp too much in spring or summer. I'm not sure a vaporizer in use as often as you'd need it would last as long as the cool mist types. But, I haven't really compared them directly.
i have had this warm steam vaporizer in my room for about a week with the heat vents off and it leaves my room over heating and stuff like that im now trying to get a cool mist or something that doesnt generate heated mist....etc.;

I prefer cool mist units. The temp of the mist seems to be more uniform and there is no chance that plant leaves or chams who just happen to be too close are injured. That heated water spends a lot more time at the perfect temperature for bacteria breeding. It might raise the cage temp too much in spring or summer. I'm not sure a vaporizer in use as often as you'd need it would last as long as the cool mist types. But, I haven't really compared them directly.
Well I bought a warm mist humidifier last night and it worked beautifully today - took the humidity to 50% quickly. I have it on the right side of the cage lower than the cage somewhat as an experiment. Will let you know how it goes. Keeping the unit sparkling clean seems to be the ticket. I don't need it later in the year as it is usually extremely humid in Houston where I live. It's just in the winter with the heat on...
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