water replacement necessary if using fresh feeder food?


Established Member
If giving fresh foods such as lettuce, oranges, apples, carrots, etc. is it still necessary to provide water to crickets, dubia, orange headed roaches, etc.?

They don't seem to ever touch the Repashy gel I make up for them, I guess I could give them 1 blast of fine mist from the hand held mister but don't want to introduce any more humidity than absolutely necessary.

I have tried a bunch of different consistencies to the gel, they certainly don't swarm it if they ever even touch it.

I'm also learning that even largish colonies need Wayyyyyyyy less food than I thought. 300 nymphs and 60 adult roaches barely dent a tablespoon of roach chow (Josh's Frogs) and might eat a combined 1/2 teaspoon of fresh stuff.The dubia colony has been going for at least 2-3 months and I only had 1 adult die so they mist be eating...
I never used water (or gel) with bugs. Carrots are great because they don't tend to mold, last a long time in the fridge, are cheap and are nutritious. Use a variety of food, but if you always have carrots in there, they will always have food and water. I even put a slice of carrot in my feeder cups incase the bugs aren't eaten that day. Not that they would die in a day but I would rather they stay gutloaded.
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