

Is it just my chameleon that hates it when I spray her vivarium. Tries to get to the top as quick as possible or hides. I'm at work all day so I spray before I go to work then she has her dripper on till I get home then I spray her again. I've had her just over a week now every one of her poo's has a perfect white tip so I'm assuming she is getting all the water she needs from the dripper " I have it dripping over a plants.
I would go with that assumption. She may also be drinking the spray left behind on leaves after the misting when you aren't looking.
Maybe, the only reason I'm thinking it's the dripper is because I have fake plants in my vivarium, I spray for about 2mins till everything is dripping but they seem to dry out quite quick
Not quick enough. I know with my chameleon, after I mist he quickly laps up some drops when he thinks I am not looking. They tend to be shy drinkers lol. As long as you are monitoring the urates in the droppings, I wouldn't worry about when or from where she is drinking as long as he is hydrated.
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