Watercolor painting


New Member
This is my latest painting, inspired again by my trip to Costa Rica in february:D It is a Resplendant Quetzal and the orchid is Oerstedella centradina. The Quetzal is going to be featured in my next bunch of work.I hope you will like it! Thanks for taking a look,


WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome water color!!!!! I've been to Costa Rica twice and I feel I could almost jump into the picture...very real looking :):):):):)
Just curious - do you have your stunning paintings all around your house? I know they must be very hard to part with
Thanks very much guys!:D

Reptimom, I have a few here at my place...but I dont keep them long. I am represented by a gallery in florida so I send them off pretty much after completion. Its true I have a hard time parting with them! Sometimes I'll regret selling one, but I remind myself that if I want to be an artist I'll have to sell something LOL:)
Thanks for visiting my site ijmccollum! It is my baby!
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