Watering end feces questions


New Member
My Cham (panther) is almost 5 Months old.

I used to see my Cham drink, He used to let me hand water him (kinda). Now It seems like he is scared of me more than before. So its really hard to hand water him

I Spray his Cage and plant down at least twice a day and rarely see him drink.

He looks healthy but. My concern is coming from the fact that he is not pooping once a day as he used to. It is every couple days or so and its a Jumbo one now. It looks like it would be uncomfortable for him to be passing.

Advice would be appreciated.

Young Panther.........

Panthers do seem to change their habits as they grow. He is the age when he is starting to feel the effects of hormones. This could account for his attitude change. Continue misting him as you have. He may start drinking again or he may be waiting until you leave to do it. Also, have you ever tried silkworms? They are high in moisture and they also tend to help "move things along" in the poop department. Introducing those into his diet may also help him like you a little more. If he sees that you are responsible for the nice juicy silkworms he may be a little more eager to see you :)
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