Watering Question


New Member
1st off Thank You again for all the information that I have already recieved.

So more questions. When I purchased my cage and set up I installed a ReptiRain system. I have it set to go off every 3 hours for 45 seconds during the day. Its soaks the leave's and causes dripping from the leave's. Actually does a lot of water durning those seconds. However I feel she is not drinking. Looks a little dehydrated. This morning when I turned on the light she woke up looked very thin and about 15 minutes later went an ate a couple crickets and looked good. Not sure if they look different 1st thing in the morning. She is very aware of her surrounds eyes constantly looking around. However she seemed shacky when walking and I still have yet to see her drink. I'm not home during the day so I can't just monitor her and most times I don't get home tell late.

Question. If she is eating and moving around her cage. Should I be worried. Or am I just over reacting. Do you think that the Reptirain is enough or should I do a drip system?

I try to read everything I can find online but seems like every article has a different opinion on what to do.

Also made an appointment with a vet for thursday for a check up since she is new to our family. The vet was recommended by a site member and I have talked to a few stores that also recommended her.

Thanks again for all the help.
Do a poop check. Nice white poop(maybe with a hair of orange between brown and white sections)= proper hydration. Orange poop= not enough water.

And most of us have closet drinkers so they will not drink with you watching.
Do a poop check. Nice white poop(maybe with a hair of orange between brown and white sections)= proper hydration. Orange poop= not enough water.

And most of us have closet drinkers so they will not drink with you watching.

Good to know about the poop ; )
Install a dripper :) They last for hours (which is good when you're at work) and are a very natural watering method for the chams. Nearly everyone uses one and my cham drinks from that mostly, rather than drinking during mistings.
I have my Mistking go twice a day once at 10 am and once at 2 pm,,,,,so it has time to dry in between,,,and of course you gotta drain the water off the bottom when its done,,,,and it goes for 2 minutes!!!!
I also made a dripper that is dripping as constant as we can keep it going!!!! It is quite difficult to see them drink,,,I watched my little guy for 2 days to make sure he was drinking and only seen him chase a drip once!!!!
And like what has been said,,,,keep a watch on the colour of her poops!!!!!
My guy is 8 weeks old and still seems a little shaky at times!!!!
I worry everyday about him,,,guess thats the bain of a cham owner!!!!!
Good luck and have fun!!!!
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