Watery urate/eating soil and branches?

My 4 month old male panther has been kinda acting funny- having watery urate but i did just start feeding horns, wax and butter worms aside from his normal cricket/superworms diet. He also started eating the soil in his plant and sole vines I had in there. I covered all the soil and took out any vines he could possibly try to eat. I give him the normal supplements- calcium daily, calcium w/d3 twice a month and multivitamin twice a month. I have a Monsoon misting system and a dripper. I've also seen him hanging out lower in his cage lately but he does still bask (83°) and walk around his cage a lot. He otherwise seems healthy but I'm a little worried.
Stop the watery food for a couple for days and it should firm up. If it doesn't, it might be time for a fecal float and or a vet visit. It's most like too much watery food, like when people eat too much fruit, particularly melon, or maybe that's just me lol
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