Waxworms, superworms, etc

My cham rarely eats any sort of worm. She doesn't hand feed (trust me, I have tried too many times to count) Should I be concerned she only eats crickets and some beetles I throw in her cage if I find one out in the backyard (I live in a place free of pesticides) Should I just keep a cup in her cage with a couple worms where she could hopefully expand her pickiness?
Lucky you! there are more people on here who's chams (including mine) that have gone on a cricket strike! Mine only likes the worms! He ate two crickets yesterday and I was shocked. I have a tree outside that I let him roam in and i put the silkworms and supers in it although the supers don't grip as well and sometimes fall so i just use a cup.
Lucky you! there are more people on here who's chams (including mine) that have gone on a cricket strike! Mine only likes the worms! He ate two crickets yesterday and I was shocked. I have a tree outside that I let him roam in and i put the silkworms and supers in it although the supers don't grip as well and sometimes fall so i just use a cup.

mine is one of those on a cricket strike also!! he will eat supers, hornworms and silkies...

i would rather he be interested in crickets as i believe they, and dubis, are a better staple feeder than worms....
try to feed off more bugs instead of just worms like grass-hoppers, katydids, cicadas, mantis, & dragonflies.
I wouldnt be satisfied to feed my chameleons only crickets and the occassional (possibly parasite loaded) beetle from the back yard.
I agree with jamncristian - try other feeders. There are many types of larva to try, moths, stick insects, katydids, roaches...
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