Weird eating habbit...


Avid Member
So Jasper is eating about one or two crickets about everyother day. The cricket size is between pin head and medium. I am wondering if the size of the crickets are the reason he only eats like he does? Could it also be that his enviroment has changed so much in past 3 weeks since I brought him home that he is just getting used to it and his eating habbits will change? I am only worried because I have read on here that some members chams that are the same age as Jasper (2-3 months) eat about 5 crickets a day.
Jasper should be eating up a storm. Pin heads are probably to small for him. How are you feeding him? In a cup or free range? Have you offered any other feeders besides crickets? Feeders should be no larger than the space between his eyes.
I have only tried crickets and I changed to a cup because the other feeder (1/2 gallon milk jug) he wasnt eating out of. Should I try moving his cup to a different place?
Make sure that the cup is opaque and deep enough to keep the feeders in, but not too deep for him to eat out of. Position the cup under a vine, or branch where he likes to sit most, so he can see down into it and shoot the crix from above. The movement of the crix should then catch his eye and stimulate him to hunt!
I agree with Tiff (miss lily), but I would also try crickets that are slightly larger, say med ones that are nothing less the 1/4", and no more then 1/2".

also, try free range...just dump about 4 in the cage and watch them climb up the screen...your cham will see them move and shoot them at once.

So I came home today from work and noticed Jasper muunched 4 crickets now. Lets hope he keeps his eating habbits up!!! I will post a picture of how I have his feeding cup set up. It will be up in the morning! Thanks for all your input I really appreciate it =]
Well damn I thought maybe he was going to eat normal but he has not touched the crickets I put In there today.... ugh I don't know what to do: (
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