Werner Chameleon


New Member
Here are a few pictures of our female werner after her battle with tongue injury. She had part of her tongue amputated and with a lot of TLC and patients she is doing well hand feeding crickets,watering she is doing well.




Great to hear when stories like these turn out well. Props to you for taking such good care of her and getting her past the injury.
Wow! What an improvement! She looks a million times better and the shot of her on the lampshade; you can tell she is enjoying that patch of sun. As I mentioned privately the other day, and the echo what Kent has already said, I admire your dedication and commitment to giving her a better life.

Good luck with her and the rest of the recovery process. The werneri are near and dear to my heart so please continue to keep us updated.
thanks all, It took alot of patience, help from people on here and trial and error( so to speek)We did what we had to and let her do what she had to...Hopefully she makes a full recovery. Never thought that she would be how she is now Thank you for all your help.....it is greatly appreciated
Is this the same as a portoro chameleon? I have a female that looks very similar to that. im confused.:confused:

The Poroto Mountain 3 Horned Chameleon or Flapneck Chameleon (Chamaeleo (Trioceros) fuelleborni) is a different species. The differences between them and the Werners Chameleon are subtle; the occipital lobes (the flaps on the back of their head) appear smaller on the fuellis due to the larger scales. There's usually only 15 scales whereas the werneri have 30 or more. The horns of the female fuelleborni tend to be smaller than of the werneri. I find the fuelli's to be a bit more green coloured than the brownish werneri. They are also collected from different parts of Tanzania.

As far as I know care is similar between the two species.

I'd like to see pics of your girl too!
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