what about other worms?


Established Member
are butter worms , wax worms, and meal worms just as good as other worms for panthers?:confused:

thanks in advance
I would keep butter, wax, and mealworms to a minimum.
Butter and wax worms are high and fat and should be used as a treat.
Super worms are more nutritious than mealworms, and are a better feeder.
i beg to differ as far as butter worm and super worm goes:
here are their nutrition facts (butter worm/super worm):
  1. Moisture= 58.54/ 59.37
  2. Ash= 1.04/ 1.20
  3. Protein= 16.20/ 17. 41
  4. Fat= 5.21/ 17.89 -> Supers are actually fatter
  5. Calcium= 43% (wow!)/ 1.83%

I say IMHO butter worms are much more nutritious than Super worms.

meal worms and wax worms are the junk food of reptile; thus, like Justin said, they should be used as treat basis :)
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