What about Slugs?


Established Member
Are slugs safe chameleon food? Do they really have loads of brain parasites I heard about in a TV show once? Are they nutritious at all?

Anyway I ask all this because I have discovered my mini green houses I built make a good home for them and I have some big ones maybe, banana slugs (They are the right size but more brownish on their backs) in there too now and maybe I can feed them off as big snacks like horn worms? I once read of someone feeding off slugs as snacks and thought it sounded like a bad idea because the parasites thing I saw on 1000 ways to die I think... But now I have a food source that i'm just sitting on. What should I do?
I've wondered this as well. I'd imagine, like snails they could be fed off, but also like snails, wild ones could be carrying parasites like lungworn. Would like to see what others here have to say.
Definitely refrain from using 1000 Ways To Die as a source of information. Lol. Not sure about the nutritional value or safety of slugs for chameleons though
I feed snails but only ones that have been hatched cleanly in captivity. The snails have calcium in their shells that chameleons can digest. Slugs don't offer that advantage.
I don't know of anyone feeding slugs. I wouldn't try it.
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