What do meal worms mature into?


New Member
Noticed several very strange alien looking things in my mealworm's that I know weren't there before. I'm assuming they are maturing into some kind of beetle.
I think you mean superworms. Thats the beetle that they turn into and they have a defensive odor when you handle them.
Meal worms turn into some sort of beetle, too. I'm just not sure it's that one above.
I leave my mealworms at room temp so I can gutload better and these started turning into something about a week later. It honestly looks like something that might come popping out of your chest. Very strange looking. I don't know how long it will take to fully turn into a beetle.
here is mealworm beetle:

here is superworm beetle:

and just for fun, butterworms moth:
Dodolah, everything would load on my computer except the mealworm beetle pic. You don't need to reload it on your end, it's probably my computer. Does it look similiar to the superworm beetle and have you fed them to your chams?
Yes, I remember "raising" meal worms into beetles when I was in elementary school!! That looks very familiar! Yuck... I get weird catapillars in my crickets.... those are nasty too!
Dodolah, everything would load on my computer except the mealworm beetle pic. You don't need to reload it on your end, it's probably my computer. Does it look similiar to the superworm beetle and have you fed them to your chams?

it load fine in mine:confused:
it does looked like the mealworm but reddish pink in color.

No, i never feed the beetles to my cham.
my cham is a freak. he hates superworms. I waste my money when i try feeding him superworms twice.

Plus, he never seen mealworms nor waxworms his whole life (shhh don't tell him, he might get mad :p).
I'll try sphinx moth and mantis soon.
It finally loaded. Yea, that little weird thing in the middle. It's very active also. I'll see if he likes them. One of mine is real good about trying almost anything once. Thanks for the info. David
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