What Do You Breeders Include With Purchase??

Zen Reptiles

Avid Member
What do you often include with the purchase of a chameleon you've sold?

In the past, I've got calcium supplements and a care book, and about a weeks worth of food. All was very appreciated, and also unexpected.

I've got 30+ baby panthers currently, and they will be ready to go within a few months. I want them to have the best start they can with their new owners, so I'm looking for ideas of what are some good, worthwhile items to include with a purchase?


another thread was just discussing the inclusion of a care sheet with recommendations for husbandry, gutloading and such....to help them start off as well as possible....and kammerflage kreations has one you could probably mini into something to include with yours...

other than that, we have purchased ours from various places and the we've only received "extras" once....silk worms for the first day or two...so i think it's mainly up to you/what you can afford....

but i do think a care sheet is most definitely needed...
you could also throw in a bag of dry gutload if you make it in bulk...everyone loves SWAG...if you send me one, you can throw in a few extra chams :D
you could also throw in a bag of dry gutload if you make it in bulk...everyone loves SWAG...if you send me one, you can throw in a few extra chams :D

Thats a good idea. Then you dont have to worry about feeders dying in transit and newbs rarely know much about gutloads at first. If you gave them even a small zip lock bag of dry gutload it would last a long while if they are only feeding enuff cricks for 1 cham.

I may jack that idea from you Justin. To inc. with my baby falys when theyre ready in 2 mo.
Thats a good idea. Then you dont have to worry about feeders dying in transit and newbs rarely know much about gutloads at first. If you gave them even a small zip lock bag of dry gutload it would last a long while if they are only feeding enuff cricks for 1 cham.

I may jack that idea from you Justin. To inc. with my baby falys when theyre ready in 2 mo.

ill give you credit if you send me a faly :D
After the purchace,I call and make sure they have there enclosure set up.dicuss shipping dates ,the day before I ship I CALL! and confirm. I e-mail unpacking instructions and inclose a basic care sheet with the chameleon. And call to make sure all is well .As far as shipping supplies. Bulk buying is always cheaper. lll reptile sells a nice complete shipping kit. Available by the each. Good luck with your little guys..Oh what kind of panther babbies do you have?got pics
15 Nosy Mitsio and 20 Nosy Be :)

Thanks for all the great ideas!


What do you often include with the purchase of a chameleon you've sold?

I provide a Care document (both emailed as a pdf prior to purchase and a printed copy with the aninmal), which includes info on lighting, caging, feeding, supplements, temperature and hydration needs, a list of places to buy feeders locally (if the buyer is local to me) and online, info on gutloading, links to this and other useful websites, etc.

I offer to provide a small amount of calcium powder and vitamin supplement if the person doesnt already have it. This not only makes me sound generous, but also alerts me to people who havent fully prepared despite previous conversations, thus affording me another opportunity to go over the basics of why they need the calicum etc. I dont give them very much and tell them it will just hold them over for a couple days until they buy what they need.
I dont buy supplies in bulk, but I've usually fewer than 12 adults at any one time, so its not like I go through the regular size supplement containers very fast. The vitamins almost certainly expire before I use it all, so I may as well share it.

I make sure they have my email address and I let them know I'll be in touch (I email them "just checking in making sure all is okay and to see if you have questions" within a month of purchase - after that I leave them alone unless they contact me).
As a buyer atm I would say a care sheet, your current feeding and supplement schedule, and feeder size. Also helpful is a link to the forums that way I'd know the new baby may have a chance if the owner becomes a member. I'd be happy with that.
I'd say invest your time and money in superior packaging before anything else. Big companies may have goodies to give away for free from doing shows or industry hookups -- no customer expects that from you.
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