What do you feed your cham?


New Member
So right now I have Lennon on a diet of butterworms, silkworms and crickets but Im looking to expand it a little.

So I was wondering what do you feed your cham and where do you buy it?
Turks, dubia, crickets, silks, horns, phoenix, supers and fruits and veggies. From time to time other feeders, too.
House flies
dubia roaches
green banana roaches
cave roaches
lobster roaches
orange head roaches
wax moths
stick insects
leaf insects
garden snails
field plankton when available
grasshoppers when available
peacock and cabbage butterflies when available
Crickets, dubia, silkies, supers, hornworms, moths, mealworms, spiders. Pretty much in that order. I catch moths and spiders, breed dubia, mealworms, and (I'm trying to) supers. I buy crickets (a pain in the butt to breed by the way,) silkies, and hornworms. I'm gonna try butterworms next and maybe some butterflies. I'm also buyin some different roaches.
So has anyone tried frogs? Now dont bite my head off I have no idea if its good for them or not so Im not willing to try it until I get some confirmation.
not a good feeder choice because the mucus the frogs produce can get stuck in your chams throat and ultimatley choke him to death
So right now I have Lennon on a diet of butterworms, silkworms and crickets but Im looking to expand it a little.
So I was wondering what do you feed your cham and where do you buy it?

Silkworms and moths - breeding them or from online vendor
Butterworms - various online sources, or the local pet shops
Superworms (aka kingworms where I live) - breeding them
Crickets - online or local vendors
Turkistan roaches - breed them
Dubia roaches - breed them
M Hissing roaches - breed them
Stick Insects - breed them
Terrestrial Isopods (woods sows and rollie pollies) - breed them
Grove snails - breeding them
mealworms - breed them
Grasshoppers - wild caught
Occassionally mantids (just the ones that dont shed properly)
Cabbage loppers and moths - wild caught
Occassionally termites - wc
Occassionally hornworms - online vendor
various wc moths and field sweepings

Someplaces to buy feeders online:
plus site sponsors and the classifieds

Anyone who would like to send me leaf insects or eggs please PM me
House flies
dubia roaches
green banana roaches
cave roaches
lobster roaches
orange head roaches
wax moths
stick insects
leaf insects
garden snails
field plankton when available
grasshoppers when available
peacock and cabbage butterflies when available

am i a bad dad if i stick to just crickets and ocassionally meal worms?
Well variety is best and it keeps the chameleons from going on hunger strikes. Mealworms offer very little nutrition and have the potential to impact the chameleon. Superworms would be a better choice.

Why don't you get a colony of roaches and order some silkworms?
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