what do you think about my enclosure?


New Member
my enclosure for my juvenile jackson.

24x12x26 screen

18 inch reptisun 5.0

60 watt zilla heat light

zillas digital temp/humidity tracker

little dripper

3 ficus

2 vines (1 medium and 1 small)

1 drift wood


anything missing?
I am not sure if Jackson prefer bushy plants.
If they do, then i think you need a little bit more foliage.

But, i see you are missing 1 thing (or at least, it does not show in the pic):
Drainage system.

How are you gonna manage those excess water from dripper and misting?
You gotta think of something or else that problem will cause disaster to your floor, wall, etc.
i just use paper towels for the bottom
IMO for the long run this should be reconsidered. For me no substrate is easiest and most convenient.
The cage looks pretty good, not too cluttered. It might could use another plant, you might consider elevating one of the plants in the cage by putting it on a spare plastic plant pot flipped over. Also from my experiences, chameleons REALLY appreciate a horizontal perch running ~6in under the UV and basking spot.
Keep up the nice work!
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