what do you think?

david sullivan

New Member
just made this cage last week for the little guy... he is doing really well, growing fast and eating well. I don't understand why I did not have one sooner!!
thanks for all the helpful info and tips!!!



Looks like a great set-up. Nice looking cham too. Someone has been doing their homework. lol.

Get that ficus rubber plant out of there. It is a type of ficus but not the right one. It's toxic to chameleons. Replace it with a Ficus Benjamin.
Since you have a Veiled, it's even more serious because Veileds eat the vegetation.
He is right abou them eating stuff. Both of my males eat the leaves on the Ficus, Pothos and Unbrella plant.

I think they are ashamed..... LOL cause they only eat leaves I can't see from the front of the cage... as if they wanted to hide the fact that they eat leaves.
thanks, I was not too sure what type the plant was... good to know.
I have 2 other plants here can you take a look and tell me if they are ok?
thanks DSC00593.JPG


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