What foods can i feed my chameleon besides crickets

SM 107,

Take a look at the following link and go from there.


There are several other posts that cover the spectrum of feeders for chams. for the taking. Do a search for feeders and read on until your eyes can't handle anymore. Nonetheless, a roach variety; ei: dubia or discoid is a very valuable and nutritious feeder that you have to at least consider feeding.
Chameleons need a large variety of well gutloaded feeders. Silkworms are excellent feeders. Along with the silks and crickets I also recommend files, super worms, moths, butterworms, stick bugs, mantis, Phoenix worms and horn worms.
Lol, gotta love Moms! If she has a typical german cockroach or american cockroach in her mind, she might be surprised at the physical appearance of a dubia. Don't place any bets on that but....you never know:rolleyes:
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