what fruits and veggies?

Veild Cham Owner

Avid Member
I want to start to add some fruits and veggies into my 3 month old Veiled chameleon diet. He really likes kale ad strawberries but i want to of cores expand on it but im not quite sure which ones to stay away from. I know to avoid avocado and grapes but that is really it, does anyone know what i can give him and what ones he cant eat?
mine is older than that and still won't touch anything but feeders
My veiled loves to eat baby kale, spinach, raspberries, and blueberries on occasion. I make sure the pieces are cut up so they aren't too big for him and also checked with the vet to make sure it's ok to give them to him.
Go easy on the bananas...they have quite a bit of phosphorous.
You can use veggies such as carrots, sweet red pepper, squash, zucchini, sweet potato and greens such as collards, escarole, endive, dandelion greens, kale and fruit such as berries, melon, apple, pear, etc.
Go easy on the bananas...they have quite a bit of phosphorous.
You can use veggies such as carrots, sweet red pepper, squash, zucchini, sweet potato and greens such as collards, escarole, endive, dandelion greens, kale and fruit such as berries, melon, apple, pear, etc.
Ok thanks do u think they can have kiwi?
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