What is a drainage system?


New Member
Hey ppl, I'm new to veiled chams and am setting up a 18x12x20 cage and just realized I need a drainage system but I'm not sure for what?
Depending on how much water you run through with a misting system or a dripper, you might need a way to discard the extra water to keep it from pooling up or collecting on the floor.
set up a tupper ware container with a piece of craft sponge in it, thats how i have my set up right now. it sits right under the mister.
There's lots of people that get really creative with drainage systems, adding a drain in the bottom and pvc piping that goes to a bucket... my cage has a screen bottom and a tray underneath to catch any water, then it either evaporates, or i can dump it every once in a while when it gets too full.

Hey ppl, I'm new to veiled chams and am setting up a 18x12x20 cage and just realized I need a drainage system but I'm not sure for what?

As you will be spraying the cage down regularly to provide drinking water and humidity, the cage bottom can be constantly wet or even hold standing water (depending on the cage design and what the bottom is made out of). Most commercial cage builders don't consider how to get rid of all that water so you'll need to create something. There are LOTS of ideas on the forum so do some reading.
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