What Is She???


New Member
Im just wondering if someone can help me identify what kind of female panther i have, im guessing ambilobe, can anyone help?








Thats the problem with female panthers they all look the same and only a very experienced person with panthers could tell maybe. Thats the main reason for not cross breeding panthers. What did they say it was when you bought it? Also I can see she has issues with her mouth she needs a vet check unless shes being treated already.
they said ambilobe,and i believe she was in a fight with another cham a while back and she has some scars that healed up on her head and i think thats what is by her mouth some sort of scar, the guy i got her from said she was taken to the vey for that, dio you think i should take her again??? what do you think looks wrong with her mouth?
if i take her to a vet can it be easily fixed? and hiow long do i have to take her realistically??? what could oif caused this?
You will have to apply some oral meds. But yea easy fix. I would take her as soon as you can. As the quicker the better.
The major cause of mouth rot I believe is improper diet I think thats what I read. As far as curing it I don't think you can completely Its just one of those reoccurring diseases that wont heal. Its no fault of yours it came that way probably wasn't fed a proper diet when it was young . But I think a vet is in order because it looks like rot to me. With medication the chameleon will clean up nicely and when the weather gets right keep her outside the sun will kick it in the ass.
The major cause of mouth rot I believe is improper diet I think thats what I read. As far as curing it I don't think you can completely Its just one of those reoccurring diseases that wont heal.

Wow, I did not know that it was a reoccurring deseases, I have also read that It can be cause by feeding to large of feeders or feeding adult crickets because of the spurs on the legs can cause it. Do you know if thier is any truth to that, Dean?
Maybe if the legs get stuck in the gums and get infected. But I believe its a nutritional deficiency for a long period of time.
so improper dieat as in the food waas too big??? she hasnt really been eating much at all
Don't let her eat roaches with that mouth! I have had a wild cought Ambilobe for 3 years now who has had a broken Jaw since I got him (Scarface is his name). It looks like he bit a stick while being captured. Anyway the area got infected thanks to a roach leg. I had to swab the gums daily, but it's back to normal. Don't think your cham is going to die because of it, if you care for her properly she will be fine.
I have female Nose Be's and Ambilobes right now, and my ambilobes show those patterns. The Nose's never get the pale color like the Ambilobes, so you could probably rule out Nose Be.....probably.


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