What is the best bug to feed chameleon with d3

I need help on knowing what bug to feed my chameleon with d3.
The d3 does not stick to dubia roaches
Silk worms keep sticking together in the bowl and when I put them on a stick they just fall off And crickets will jump out the bowl

What is the best bug to feed them
I'm not sure I'm understanding your question correctly but your calcium supplement should be without D3. I like the Reptical without D3 for every feeding and RepashyLoD twice a month. You can buy feeder cups online or make them from large deli cups.


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I'm not sure I'm understanding your question correctly but your calcium supplement should be without D3. I like the Reptical without D3 for every feeding and RepashyLoD twice a month. You can buy feeder cups online or make them from large deli cups.
I use cal with d3 twice a month and todays the day I have to feed him and I am having trouble
Some of the multivitamin with D3 supplements will look like there’s nothing sticking to the feeders, but it is. If you feel like it’s not sticking well enough to roaches, try crickets or silkworms (as already suggested). I like to hand feed silkies to help promote building and keeping trust. It also is a good way to keep them from sticking together in a silkie ball. For some reason the back of my hand is less frightening than the palm, so I put a single silkworm on my hand and extend it out near to where my cham is and can see it while I look away and wait. If the silkie falls off your hand, put it back on and keep trying. It takes a lot of patience at first. If your cham is seeming too afraid to get that near to you, try putting the silkie in a shallow bowl that you can hold out. I have even gone so far as to close the enclosure door as much as possible and turn my body so I’m not even facing my cham. Before you know it, you’ll have your cham come running when he sees you, expecting food and not caring much if it’s on your hand or in a feeding station.
Some of the multivitamin with D3 supplements will look like there’s nothing sticking to the feeders, but it is. If you feel like it’s not sticking well enough to roaches, try crickets or silkworms (as already suggested). I like to hand feed silkies to help promote building and keeping trust. It also is a good way to keep them from sticking together in a silkie ball. For some reason the back of my hand is less frightening than the palm, so I put a single silkworm on my hand and extend it out near to where my cham is and can see it while I look away and wait. If the silkie falls off your hand, put it back on and keep trying. It takes a lot of patience at first. If your cham is seeming too afraid to get that near to you, try putting the silkie in a shallow bowl that you can hold out. I have even gone so far as to close the enclosure door as much as possible and turn my body so I’m not even facing my cham. Before you know it, you’ll have your cham come running when he sees you, expecting food and not caring much if it’s on your hand or in a feeding station.
I did not know the palm is more frightening because I tried to hand feed him with no avail I am going to try the back of my hand with a silkworm sometime thank you
I did not know the palm is more frightening because I tried to hand feed him with no avail I am going to try the back of my hand with a silkworm sometime thank you
Yeah, I don’t know why the one side of the palm is more upsetting than the other. Only my girl Stella doesn’t care about which side of the hand she gets…but she’s convinced that all of my fingers are fat juicy worms and always trying to eat them.
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