What is the best feeder for a panther?

I'm still sold on crickets, because you can gutload them very easily, they are cheap and most importantly they are always available. Rotating with the odd silkworm, butter worm and on rare occasion waxworm mixes things up nicely.

Mr. Miller you can get bugs mailed straight to your house from Toronto ....

I personally think Silkworms are the best feeders for a Panther Chameleon, but are very expensive if you don't hatch your own eggs. A second favorite of mine would definitely be Blaptica Dubia roaches.
I think everyone hit on the main feeders: silkies, roaches, and crickets. Some say superworms, they last a while and are pretty easy to gutload. But a rotation is actually the healthiest.
Some chams need their food to move. It triggers their feeding response. Silkworms may be too slow for some chams. Try 1 day with no food, then try the silks again. See if an empty stomach gets him going on silkies again.
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