What is the best oline site to purchase crickets?

You might want to check the board sponsors. A number of them sell crickets. I use (horror) petco.com...they sell healthy brown crickets (from Timberline) and their shipping is great. They might be a tad pricey but I'm ready to pay more just because I don't get a lot of dead crickets I have to deal with.
well....we all seem to be in San Diego...Mulberry farms is not close unless you live in Temecula or Rainbow....with gas at well over $4/gallon location is an issue. The American Cricket Ranch in east county is probably closer for many. I've called in orders and picked them up there...but despite that, I find ordering online for delivery to be worth my money because it saves me so much time.

I have a general rule: I value my time at $15/hour. If it takes me an hour to get to the cricket supplier then having them shipped is probably to my advantage.
I use www.bcrcricket.com, they deliver to my door at reasonable prices. All my feeders have arrived alive, with cold packs and healthy. They are located in san diego so they are not shipped far so the die off rate is low to none. They have great customer service as well.
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