What is the best way to get crickets out of the holding tank!!!


I bought 1/4 inch crickets for my guys and I have them in a 10 gallon tank now with cricket crack and oranges and egg crates and a light . They are happy and healthy and getting at but i can't get them out to feed to chams they are to small to pick up.. Also any tips on gettign the crickets in the holding tank when I got the box I opened it up and a bunch jumped out when i was trying to get them in!!
Put some small pieces of egg crate in there. This way they climb on there and all you have to do is pick it up, and shake some crickets into a cup. Nice and easy.

I suppose a toilet paper or paper towel roll would do the same thing as well.
Put some small pieces of egg crate in there. This way they climb on there and all you have to do is pick it up, and shake some crickets into a cup. Nice and easy.

I suppose a toilet paper or paper towel roll would do the same thing as well.

This is how I do it but some people like the bug sucker/vacuum. Its just a closed cup with two tube going in one has a peice of screen and you just suck and blow. If you do a search oyu can find it
I bought the bigger cricket keeper and its worked great. they run right up the tubes when u put them in and u can just shake them out when your ready. or like said put cut up egg carton in (something small you can handle). They will crawl on it then pull it out and shake them into a cup.
I bought the bigger cricket keeper and its worked great. they run right up the tubes when u put them in and u can just shake them out when your ready. or like said put cut up egg carton in (something small you can handle). They will crawl on it then pull it out and shake them into a cup.

crix can escape these well.....i use sterylite blanket box they cant climb the sides and no escapes no need for a lid they get great ventilation. i use combo eggcrate and towel tubes....
I just pick them up with my fingers, if they're over a week old. For pin heads I take a piece of the egg crate or whatever is in there, and shake the crickets off into a cup.

When opening a box of crickets, i do it over the bathtub, so that any that dont go direct into the cricket bin end up on the tub. Then I catch the escapees with my fingers, but you could also just leave a piece of carboard tube in there, wait for them to hide in it, and then shake em off into the cricket bin.
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