What is the difference between Panther and Veiled care?


Established Member
Is there a prominent difference between veiled and panther care like temp. and humidity?
not much.
i think panther can benefit from a slightly cooler temperature and a bit more humidity.
Ok cause im purchasing one in august or so as long as cainscham comes through for me jk.

I treat my veileds and panther basically the same.. just give the panther a few more hide spots in his cage to cool down if he wants to.
I treat my veileds and panther basically the same.. just give the panther a few more hide spots in his cage to cool down if he wants to.

i 2nd that. My panther has wayyyy more foliage in his cage and that creates a cooler temp. At the bottom of his cage its practically dark, even though i have a 4ft florescent strip and 100w basking bulb above.
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