What is this?


New Member
So these things are now getting everywhere, and trust me i know about the dangers of outside feeding dont preach upon me the things i see said all the time.

anyway what are they, and are they chameleon tummy friendly?


Those look like Gypsy Moth Caterpillars. We have them all over the place ever year in MI.

They do eat a wide variety of foliage, some of which I believe makes them have some level of toxicity.

Someone else may be able to speak better to that.

I would just side with safety on this one and not feed them to my chams.
i know when i was younger and playing with a little hairy caterpillar some of the tiny hairs stuck into the skin on my hand and it hurt so bad, they were so fine they were hard to see to pull out. for that reason i won't feed hairy things to my cham. i think its the caterpillars defence
thats a tent caterpillar...we have them here in the summer/spring in nj.

they are indeed toxic to my knolege...they live in communities of up to a thousand and they can be found in those white tent like thinkd on tree bramces in yout yard, or local forest...there considered a pest to garderners and i personaly dodnt kare for them much...but to the point...they are toxic...but the hairs wont hurt u.;)
If I were you, I'd march that container right back to the store and be like....." What the heck is this!?!?"...." There is oatmeal in my catapilars!!!" " Lemme talk to the manager!" ;)

If I were you, I'd march that container right back to the store and be like....." What the heck is this!?!?"...." There is oatmeal in my catapilars!!!" " Lemme talk to the manager!" ;)


lol i put them in there to see what they were. yeah they had the tent like structure. i thought they were catapilars, but wanted to make sure.
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