What is wrong with my dubia


New Member
my female dubia have long cylinder things comming out of their butts :eek:
and there are a few of them on the bottom of the cage, i believe its only on the females, anybody have an idea what this is? good or bad?
Noooo clue.... I do know I just seen a wild roach crawling across my living room floor and I chased it around with air freshner and tried killing it with a jug of water..... it did not work T_TT gahhhh so I am about to go on a cleaning spree.
lol they are un-killable!!!!
haha they can live thru radiation :)
someday they will rule the world :D
TELL me about it..... itd be ONE thing if it was locked up in a container like urs..... but this guy is on the loose!! and for all I know laying little damnations somewheres where I can not see!!! Then I will have hundreds no THOUSANDS of these guys over ruling my house!!! -_--
Maybe I'm mis-reading the post, but it sounds like your dubia is laying eggs? I know that roach egg sacks look like seeds or pellets.
They vent there egg casings but hold on to them and give live birth. it no big deal if they do that. but if you are seeing a lote on the bottem then they are droping them because somthing is not right in there set up or you have to many males to females.
it wasnt really alot it was maybe 2 or 3 on the bottom while some where still attached, if they are on the floor does that mean they wont hatch from the egg sack? i have about 15 adult female ...i now have a bunch of babies running around the bottom of the cage which im not going to complain about this is what i wanted... i just didnt know those were egg sacks the ones that were on the bottom of the cage i threw out before i realized what was happening....so does this mean if i dont take out my trash i will have a bunch of baby roaches everywhere?
No if they drop the egg sack then they got stressed or a male keeps bothering them or they new the babies were bad in the egg sack. They give live birth if the egg sack is on the floor its dead.
my female dubia have long cylinder things comming out of their butts :eek:
and there are a few of them on the bottom of the cage, i believe its only on the females, anybody have an idea what this is? good or bad?

That is how roaches reproduce, females eject it the male fertilizes it then the female pulls it back in.
Hmmm so it sounds like you can have too many males for your breeding females? I wasn't aware of that. Maybe I should pull a few males out and feed them to "Big Beardy" My homies bearded dragon, that'll teach them to mess with my females. Is there a certain ratio anyone has noticed that works as a threshold for "too many males?" Currently my colony is around 1,000 and there has to be a good 20+ males from my guess.
Uh, no. They mate, then the ooth gets fertilized, then the females rotate them externally, and pull them back in to incubate them.

The ooths that you are seeing may be bad. If they have been sticking out for longer than a half hour or so it would be best to slowly but steadily pull them out of the females. If you allow them to abort them on their own, they can invert their brood pouches which is pretty much a death sentence. If you pull too fast it will also invert the brood pouch so, again, do it slowly.
Hmmm so it sounds like you can have too many males for your breeding females? I wasn't aware of that. Maybe I should pull a few males out and feed them to "Big Beardy" My homies bearded dragon, that'll teach them to mess with my females. Is there a certain ratio anyone has noticed that works as a threshold for "too many males?" Currently my colony is around 1,000 and there has to be a good 20+ males from my guess.

I do a 1 male to 5 female count.
well all the sacks and such are gone and i have little babies running around... should i seperate the babies from the adults? and how often do they breed? and how many do they have in one sack?
Why would too many males cause females to abandon their ooths?
The males keep trying to breed with the females so they run. run. run. and they stress and just drop the egg case. I have seen it happen when I first started my coleny I had 30/30 and I was not getting a lot of babies. So I removed a lot of males and changes my male to female ratio and babies every were.:D
Can dubia not turn themselves over when they are on their back? I had a couple adult males and nymphs not be able to get up so i had to help them. I only have like 5-10 adult males since I just started and don't want them dieing
i just lost all my damn males. they died so now i have to let some babies fully grow and hope i get some males back. i hate summer. ants always sniff out my feeder bins. but i just ant proofed em so hopefully they can live in peace till feeding time. i think i read somewhere. 1 male to every 3 females.
I should be getting in my first Dubias to start a colony in tomorrow. I have a lot of traveling to do these next couple months and am waiting to get my first cham in over 10 years but figured I'd take advantage of the time to get a nice little feeder colony going so he will be eating good from the day he arrives! :D
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