What kind if water do you use in your mister....


New Member
Ordered last night so hopefully getting my mister this week.

Curious what kind of water you all use. Will tap with repti safe be ok?
I use the sink as it also has an undersink filter. But i also add a couple if drops of reptisafe. Just to be on the safe side.
I try to use distilled water as much as possible. I have also used tap water on occasion, and bottled spring water. I try to use the bottled water as much as I can because of the absence of chlorine and heavy filtration.

I have a Mistking and I do have a little white depositing from minerals. But I have also had my system for over 2 years with original nozzles and they spray great. It all depends on how bad the mineral content of your water is.

Being from FL the mineral content is very high but like I said I have had no problems as yet. I am planning to take the nozzles apart this week and soak the heads in Vinegar.
Thanks all, going to try the tap with conditioner or let it sit out overnight and see how it goes. That is what I am using for hand misting right now anyway.
I use tap water. A lot depends on the quality of the water in your area, some misters may get clogged easily with regular tap water.
I have just got a RO water filter because I was fed up with the water marks on the glass and Viv. I also use a drop of reptisafe or liquid calcium water conditioner.
I use tap water but I leave the water out overnight so that the chlorine can evaporate.

This is O.K. for chlorine, but not for chloramine, fluoride, etc. These have to be filtered or treated chemically.

I try to use distilled water as much as possible. I have also used tap water on occasion, and bottled spring water. I try to use the bottled water as much as I can because of the absence of chlorine and heavy filtration.

Tap water can contain many things, and minerals in spring water can also leave residue.

I have a Mistking and I do have a little white depositing from minerals. But I have also had my system for over 2 years with original nozzles and they spray great. It all depends on how bad the mineral content of your water is.

Being from FL the mineral content is very high but like I said I have had no problems as yet. I am planning to take the nozzles apart this week and soak the heads in Vinegar.

Good idea to do this before there is too much build up! It will be much easier ;).

Thanks all, going to try the tap with conditioner or let it sit out overnight and see how it goes. That is what I am using for hand misting right now anyway.

If you are using Reptisafe or other conditioner, you probably don't have to let it sit out overnight.

We use RO water here for everything.

Definitely the best option for removing the most minerals and chemicals from the water!

I have just got a RO water filter because I was fed up with the water marks on the glass and Viv. I also use a drop of reptisafe or liquid calcium water conditioner.

Overkill! But I usually go overboard too! :D

i use distilled water.

As do I! I don't want the build up of deposits on my misting nozzles or the acrylic panels and decor. I will hopefully get an RO unit so I don't have to keep buying bottled ditilled water, but until then...
I thought it was better to use spring water rather than distilled as spring still contains essential minerals and distilled does not.
I use RO water, I fill up an 18.6 gal jug every 2 weeks at superstore it cost around 2 bucks
I don't think Calgary tap water is sufficient for chameleons.
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