What kind of roach is that?

Hi! Can anyone help me to identify this roach? This one is juvenile, 1 sm long. And if it's ok to feed those to my veiled chameleon? Thanks ^^


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Looks like a lobster. It doesnt have a spot on its back, so its not a german. ANY roach can be fed off, as long as you know its pesticide/parasite free.

Looks like a lobster. It doesnt have a spot on its back, so its not a german. ANY roach can be fed off, as long as you know its pesticide/parasite free.

Thanks for reply!
Yeah it's completely black/dark brown and has a smooth back, I've got several from the usual place i get crickets and superworms, but the guy couldn't tell me its type, so i just wondered. Plus my cham wasn't eating cockroaches (i had Turkestan cockroaches-rusty red) and he was ignoring them completely, so i gave him couple of these dudes today and he ate, to my surprise ))
Well there is a couple species it can be. I would actually lean more towards a surinam nymph. I raise them. The are fast. Need soil, high humidity and relatively high heat. They can climb sides at adult stages and are a parthnogenic species. However they have extremely species needs to survive. They are super soft
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