What kind of roach?


Avid Member
Posting this for Franie, she found these in her dubia bin.


I don't think they are discoids, they are pretty small. I'll have her send me a picture of them next to something for size reference.
Yeah I would say they are Lobsters..I have some right now, Mine look like that. Males have the wings and females dont. :)
Both males and females have wings. Nymphs do not, in their final stage, however, they are the same size as adults, just without wings.
OK!!!! Thanks everyone!! Sabrina ur a gem!! :D Lobsters it is then. I'll find my tub of vaseline!!! I guess I'll be putting a ring around the new bin :p!! More food....:eek:
hahahaha!!! uuummmmm..........NO!!! You can keep those!! I got these by accident, I'm not gonna do it on purpose!!!! And, don't even think about stuffing some in the gecko box!!!!:eek:
Hehe!! Lock and key you say??? I entertained the idea of supergluing the lid on!!!!:eek: Would work good, until I needed to feed them or feed them off.:rolleyes:
Lock and key!?! I just have mine in the bathroom in a ventilated tub.:confused::p
Where I live, they are already an established species. That means, if they get out there is no reason they wouldn't become a huge problem, quickly.
Hehe!! Lock and key you say??? I entertained the idea of supergluing the lid on!!!!:eek: Would work good, until I needed to feed them or feed them off.:rolleyes:
I have thought of it, until I realized the styrofoam that I have as a second security would melt.
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