What kind?


I'm thinking about getting a Jackson's chameleon as my second chameleon, but I've also been briefly considering others. How about a four-horned chameleon? Or a Cameroon two-horned chameleon? I've been briefly considering the latter two, but I'm worrying that they might be too demanding for a "second" chameleon. Does anyone else have any good ideas?
quads are def, a very kool cham, they are a bit more difficult than a veiled or panther but with some reasearch and the propor setup they can be very rewarding chams.
what type of cham do you have now
I keep him in a 10-gallon tank with a screen top, because they don't need airflow to thrive like other chameleons do. The daytime temperature should be between 70 and 77 degrees, with a 5 to 10 degree drop at night. I keep his humidity in the mid-to-low 80% range. Because bearded pygmies are semiterrestrial, I have a few inches of coconut fiber in there as well. But back to my question-do you think I could get a Cameroon two-horned or four-horned chameleon?
well a quad my be good for you they seem to like a lower temp as well low 70's with a good drop at night and high humidity 75 and up, i would reccomend a screened cage so a misting system would be an good asset to help with humidity.
im assuming you are refering to quads when you say 4 horned cham? am i wrong?
in my opinion lower 70's with a small basking 78-80, a good 10 degree drop at night, and high humidity, 75% plus
All of your questions have different answers. It depends on age and condition they're in.

I have both adults and a juvinile. I care for them slightly different.

For adults:
I keep my male in a 24X24X36, and the female in a 16X16X30. I feed them every other day and sometimes every three days. I try to keep the humidity around 75%, but I don't allow it to get below 50%. I supplement them every two weeks with one or two crickets lightly supplemented with calcium WITHOUT D3. I keep their temps around 75, and it drops to about 69 or 70 at night.

For Juvis:
I keep my juvi male in a 18X18X24 Exo-Terra. I keep his temps around 73, and make sure the humidity stays about 85% or higher. I don't allow it to get lower than 75%. I feed him about everyday. I cup feed him, so I just look in there to see how many crickets he has in there. I supplement him the same as the adults, sometimes a little more, just because he's growing. One interesting thing that I found, temps over 75, you need portions of the cage that are cooler, and more humid. The little ones can get overheated fairly quickly, and making sure they can cool off is the most important thing.

What's the best way to keep the cage cool and humid? Should I get a Jackson's chameleon instead of a quad?
What's the best way to keep the cage cool and humid? Should I get a Jackson's chameleon instead of a quad?

I have found that having live plants, and spraying twice a day and for about two-three minutes each time keeps it cool and humid. You also do not want to use a basking bulb. The UV bulb will produce a small amount of heat, which will bring it up to good enough temps.

In my opinion, quads and jacksons have super similar care, I have cared for both. I think jacksons will be more forgiving, and I think some people have some Cb available now. That will be your best bet, so you don't have to watch for signs WC would give. The quads that have been coming in have been AWESOME. You could try one of those, but I know a few people have eggs from WC parents, including myself. Basically, I think it is up to you.

What kind of UV bulb? Where can I get a CB four-horned chameleon? One more question-would you personally recommend a four-horned over a Jackson's?
What kind of UV bulb? Where can I get a CB four-horned chameleon? One more question-would you personally recommend a four-horned over a Jackson's?

Like I said, some people are having females lay eggs, and others have eggs. Cb will be quite a bit more money, as they are not WC, but you will probably have more luck with finding a Cb Jacksons.

Personally, I love the quads. I switched to working with just this species. They are timid, but once they get used to you, they act as if you aren't there. I love watching these guys. Plus I find their horns and sails fascinating.


EDIT- I use a Repti-Sun 5.0 over all three of my quads.
I have eggs, along with others; I think Luis has some, along with Chad at Tiki Tiki Reptiles. My eggs are due around September, but I am not sure of any one else's.

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