What sex is this panther cham...?!


New Member
Hi this is my first post on here. Just got a baby ambanja red panther, I have a good idea of the sex, and the breeder is 80% sure, just wondered if anyone had any opinions? Im assuming its easier if you've seen a lot grow up! I don't mind either way, just thought it would be interesting to hear what other people had to say, and people on here seem to know their cham stuff!
Thankyou in advance!



Hope the photos work...!
cheers for the effort though! any reason why?! I was going by colour, but its changing quite a lot... unsurprisingly!
Thanks for your reply. Whats the best thing to look for? We were trying to compare shape of the tail base?
I only said male b/c I see a nice looking color potential if that makes sense. Aren't females usually a lot more dull??? He/she looks like the colors are pretty vibrant for being such a baby. But I could be wrong! lol
Welp... Really is hard to tell this young with panthers but I would have to guess female. The best way to tell with baby Panthers is to look at the base of the tail...Males tend to have a bulge at the base of the tail where the females tend to have a skinnier tail from the base. Look at some pictures of adults asnd compare males to females you will see what I am talking about.
Thanks, seem to be a lot of people agreeing on female! I was trying to look at the tail base, her dad was very obvious, and can tell with baby beardies etc. its just little chams are so skinny and delicate looking and its difficult to try not to see something that isn't there! Ive compared with her 'brother' which we are pretty sure is male and he definitely seems to have less of an angle at his tail base then her, suggesting he has a bulge and she doesn't...
Adds to the excitement anyway, i'm sure we'll change our minds plenty by the time we know for sure. Thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated.
This one is interesting, its so hard to tell with these angles. IMO, Its a male (judging by the second picture). Take some more with different angles, it will help a lot. Although im quite sure.

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well those last few posts mixed it up a bit! what angles will help and ill try tomorrow, may take a while as i dont want to hassle her/him too much. locust bribe may help...
I could put a pic of her 'brother' up to compare if that helps? then you can tell me he's a she lol!
thanks for your help
I am personally going to go with male on this one. The first pic is allready showing some coloration on the face and front arms. The second picture is starting to show some very slight development on the base of the tail. Its very tought to say at this point, might be a bit more obvious in another 3 weeks or so, but yea, if i HAD to guess here, im gonna stick with male.

Either way, cute little bugger!
i want to say it looks like a male but i think its a female...but the eye makes him look male, also the white dots don't seem white enough to be female and the first picture looks like a male, but the patchiness of the spine in the second picture looks female

eeeek probably a male, but could be a female ?
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Now that I look closer at the second picture I could definitely see how it may be male... You'll know for sure in a couple weeks.
It's a dragqueen - a male in female clothing. If the breeder is 80% sure it's male I hope it does turn out to be male. I do think it looks like a female though. Why? (I'm no expert) One of the breeders on the forums, said that females tend to show more color and patern variation at an early age but end up more dull than the males in the end.
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