What should I do?


New Member
I have had my cham for four months now,but she has never had a good diet.I have tried three types of worms and moths but she has not taken to them at all,I tried free ranging and cup with the worms.The only thing she eats is crickets,and even then I get her to eat more than two a day.Will she be ok on that many?What can I do for her to eat more?I even waited a day inbetween feedings to see if she will eat better that,but ended with the same results.
Cage type:Screen 15x24x30

Lighting:reptisun 24" uvb 60 watt basking light on at 8:00am off by 9:00pm

Tempature:basking 85 bottom about 80

Humidity:57 turning on two sprayers three times a day or more,using digital thermometer

Plants:One ficus tree,getting a hibicus soon

Placement:In back corner of my room,not near any fans or air vents

Location:South Texas

My Chameleon:female ambilobe 6 to 7 months in my care for 4 months

Handling:Once every couple months

Feeding:2 crickets daily try many times a day

Supplments:calcium W/ D3 (recommended by breeder I got her from)

Watering:misting system 3 time a day a minute at a time and is drinking

fecal desciption:brown and white

History:vet trip for build up on one eye

current problem:not eating well
you skipped a bunch of the questionaire, such as what type and age of the chameleon etc. The more thorough your completion of the questions, the more likely you will be to get a good reponse.
Are you only using calcium with d3? You need three different supplements. Calcium with and with out d3 and A multi vitamin. Calcium with out d3 5 times a week. with d3 and vitamin 2x monthly. A chameleon can actually OD on d3.
Are you only using calcium with d3? You need three different supplements. Calcium with and with out d3 and A multi vitamin. Calcium with out d3 5 times a week. with d3 and vitamin 2x monthly. A chameleon can actually OD on d3.

I'll see if I can find calcium without d3 and the muti vitamin as soon as I can.There is a good pet store in town that does have there chams is cages and good lighting.So,they should carry that stuff if not I'll go to LLLreptile
Will the muti vitamin help with growth?She can't be more than 5 inches vent to nose.Also,can she live off one or two crickets a day?
So,can anyone help I'd hate to see her die of starvation.She eats daily but only one or two gutloaded crickets.
You say you have tried other worms? What type?
She needs to be eating more than 2 crickets a day, and also needs a variety of food. Hornworms, silkworms, butterworms & wax worms as treats. You could try house flies, moths - flying insects usually trigger a great feeding response.
Will the muti vitamin help with growth?She can't be more than 5 inches vent to nose.Also,can she live off one or two crickets a day?

If she is 5 inches snout to vent, then that is about average for a female chameleon that age.
Have you got the house flies yet?
Well I'm afraid that she will not take to them as i've tried moths and not sure if she ate one or not.I doubt she is of normal size since the vet didn't hesitate to say she is small,so I could be wrong on the mesurement.
if possible, let see the pic of your chameleon and her setup as well.
I notice you mentioned a history of eye problem.
So, in this case, photos might prove to b a valuable insight.
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