What should I use for cleaning?


New Member
Many people have suggested using dilluted bleach for cleaning a chameleon's cage. However, I have a lot of fake plants and a black enclosure and I do not want white spots over everything. So, today I bought "Wipe Out 1" by Zoo Med to clean the actual cage. Would I be able to get rid of all the bacteria and such on the logs/leaves if I just used antibacterial soap and hot water? What else do you guys reccomend?
What I do

I have birds and my Ben (cham) When I do a full cleaning I use bleach 1 part to 4 parts water in a spray bottle. I wash the cage and scrub everything in each enclosure with a scrub brush and dawn dish soap, then I rinse well then I spray the bleach solution let it set a few minutes then rinse very very well. Let it dry then add everyone back into their homes.

I have had my current birds for many years 10+. Noone has ever been sick (knock on wood). I am been a bird enthusiatist for 20+ years raising and keeping a variety of exotics. So I make sure it is safe for them as well as safe for my sweet Ben.

Just make sure you throughly rinse the cage.

as Lovereps suggested Nolvasan is extrememly good also.... I used this with my handfeeding equipment it goes a long way.
I use white distiller vinegar and water for all my cages. I will have to look into the other stuff listed above as well.
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