what therm/hygrom do you use?


Established Member
title is self explanatory, which ones do you all use either individual ones or combo. I know the digital is preferred. I have 2 therms i have laying around from years ago exoterra and zilla. See people have suggested ones from hardware stores. see a springfield precise temp for 9$ anyone use this brand before?

any other personal faves?
I really like the exo terra hygro/therm. It has a probe that measures the temp and the humidity, so the lcd screen can stay outside the cage.
I use the exo-terra ones as well. I have the thermometer one and the combo one and haven't had any issues
the exoterra i have is just temp, could use it for basking area and go pick up a combo one. thanks for the replies.

anyone else have any other suggestions?
I use an Exo Terra thermometer for the basking area and one of their therm./hygro. combos in the middle of the cage to monitor ambient temp and humidity. I like the long probes because it allows me to hang the monitors on the cage door and run the wires in through my misting nozzle hole and down to the appropriate spot like this (sorry for the crummy photo):

I've tried using the wireless ones that you pick up at hard ware stores that let you monitor outside temps and humidity at your house but the sensor was huge (about the size of a TV remote) and didn't work any better than the Exo Terra's so I eventually replaced the big clunky thing with the wire/probe Exo Terra units. I've also used the digital Zoo Med ones and they worked fine but if you're using more than one the Exo Terra's look a bit better/more professional IMO.
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