What time does your Cham eat?


New Member
Karma does not like to be fed before about 9:30am or so.
If I offer it before that, she gives me a dirty look and turns up her nose.
I figure she is a late morning person like me.
I get up at 5 but do not talk to me before I have had coffee and I would prefer an hour of leave me alone!LOL

I am just wondering if she is odd or do other chams do this?
Mine will eat whenever, as long as they've been up for at least a half an hour and have already made it to their basking spots.
Karma gets up at 7. That is when her lights go on because she has started moving and she is fully awake by about 7:30 but she refuses to eat until at least 9:30.
I feed in the mornings, most days of the week, after the lights have been on awhile and after they've had their morning water via drippers. Sometimes they will get lunch instead of or in addition to their breakfasts. I feed more often than many others do, but feed less quantity at a time so it works out roughly the same over time.
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