What to get???


New Member
Hi, i have kept my male veiled chameleon for 1 year now and i really enjoy keeping him, i am interested in keeping a different specie of chameleon but i would like one that is small ( maximum of 40cm ) and that could live in a trio, are their any species that fit these requirements?? Many thanks, Ben
Pygmies are really small, and can live in trios. Other than that you need a really big enclosure for anything else in a trio.
How about jacksons chameleons? what size would they need for a pair or trio? unfortunately in the uk jackson chameleons go for £130 each!! ( about $260 ). also are the carpet chameleons social? they also look interesting.

Thanks, Ben
Jackson's and carpets would have to be kept seperately unless they were in a huge enclosure (6' x 10' x 10' ).
I would think those dimensions would be minimum for a trio.
I'm getting ready to begin my adventures with the pygmies soon....
you should look into that.
Or get another single animal.
What was it Zerah used to say? " Instead of trying to keep more species, why not do more with the species you keep."

Holy cow.....jackson goes up for sale for £130 each in UK??? They are up for sale around US for 60 each....LOL.... Most chameleon are not communal except Parson and pygmies. I agree with Julirs....go with pygmies.... they breed like rabbit!!!
Thanks for all the info. Brad you said about a minimum would be 6' x 10' x 10' i take it you mean feet not inches. I did look into the pygmy chameleons but the only problem is the need for tiny crickets, i would prefer to keep animals that can eat all the same size crickets. I have a book on chameleons that has a picture of the "fringed leaf chameleon" from the tsingy rock formations of madagascar but i cannot find any information on them, do any of you know about them?

Thanks, Ben
why don't you just buy a couple hundred small crickets. Then whatever is left over, will grow up to larger crickets. Plus pygmy chameleons don't eat as much as regular chameleons. I think they eat every 2-3 days. They should be much easier to take care of than the cham you have now. I want to get the Temporalis breed because they look so wierd/funny. They all look like cartoons.lol
I will try that idea with the crickets :) i have a couple more questions, do any of you know a good care sheet for brookesia perarmata, also do you know of any breders in the uk? as i have found it very difficult to trace any breeders.

Thanks, Ben
go to flchams.com they have a general pygmy care sheet on their website. Also there is some great info on pygmys on chameleonnews.com
Thanks i will try that website. One more question, do pygmy chameleons have much of a character or personality? as my male veiled has a certain personality about him which makes him more interesting to keep and i would rather keep and animal that has an individual personality about it.

Thanks, Ben
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