what to look for? what to provide?


New Member
I recently got a male and female brev and I recently caught the male on top of the female, should this have been considered fraternizing or just playin around?

Assuming the answer is fraternizing, what signs should I look for to know that the female is gravid and what do I need to plan on providing for her when?
Currently the bottom of the enclosure is moss with a water dish, I realize that the fact I have 3 frogs in with them means that I will have to set up a seperate cage for the female to lay her eggs in, just need to know what i should be watching for...
Gravid females are usually a bit dark/plump..
i have a thread about breeding pygmys a bit down the page i would link it but i dont know how and it might answer a few of your questions..
and i would put the frogs in a seperate enclosure they may be stressing the little guys
I heard that after a successful mate, the female will change colors?
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