What type should i use-- Please Help


New Member
I just got back from hawaii today. I live in montana so you all have probably heard its cold here. My shampoo was froze when i went to take a shower. What type of light should i use with the Female chams cage she was born around july 07/07. I dont want to wake up to a chamsicle. So im wondering about type of heat lamp. would a regular basking bulb work, or would that keep the cham up. im going to be getting a heater in my room. Were expecting couple feet of snow this weekend. So any help will work. or tips on how to make a night bulb. i heard chams dont see red therefor u use a red bulb. could i put a red paper over the bulb to make it red colored?

Thank you
Chris Eddlemon
What part of Montana do you live in? I have lots of fam in many different in Montana... Love that place... Anyhoo...

For a Veild that small I would say that you should have a basking site of 90-95 for the day, and about dont let it get anything less than 60 at night... If you think it will be colder than that you might want to get a heat disk type bulb to keep to warm at night...
Helena, montana and can i put a shirt over cage for tonight and keep basking light on over shirt? what type of light for night i need specifics. thank you.
I think a small space heater in the room with the thermostat set at 65 degrees would be better.
This is what I do in the winter. Cham is in the basement and it does get chilly down here.

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