So I bought my girl gravid and she gave birth to 18 beauties March 14, 2011.
I don't want to pair her up with my male for awhile (even if she is receptive). How long do you wait for another pairing/breeding?
I breed my females once per year. They will usually double clutch or even sometimes give me 3 or 4 clutches from a single mating. So even if your girl has multiple clutches if you breed once per yr she will have at least 6 months to recover from the last laying. Thats just the way I choose to do things. I know you can breed them more often but I think the welfare of my females is more important than the number of eggs she can produce. Besides you want healthy genetically superior offspring and thats not the case if your female is treated as a breeding machine. So in your case I wouldn breed her again until next yr. Jmpo....