Whats going on???

Chameleon crazy

New Member
Over some time now my cham. Izzy has just turned on me. When I used to open the door she would come straight to me now all that she does in run, turn black and try to bite me. What is going on why such a dramatic change? I’m so disappointed, I don’t know what to do.:( :(
Well, if it is a veiled then dont worry.
A mean veiled is a healthy one.
My girl is almost the same way, but you just gotta catch them at the right time.
I know that this is considered 'typical veiled behavior', but I don't that means that the chameleon is happy about it.
It very stressful for your chameleon if she freaks out whenever she sees you. Imagine having some wacko break into your house, run around and leave again. He may not actually hurt you, but I know I'd be pretty scared. Especially if it happens Every. Single. Day!
Alright, you might get all macho and say: well, I'd shoot him or call the cops or whatever, but remember that your chameleon has no real way to defend itself against you. And whatever she tries (gaping, hissing, running away, even biting), you are going to keep coming back!

I would really make an effort to regain your chameleon's trust.
Something to try the next time she freaks out:
Leave the cage door open and sit down on the floor opposite of the cage so your chameleon can see you. Wait for her to calm down again and then slowly approach her and offer her a cricket or other food item from your hand. Remind her that you're the 'food god', the bringer of Good Things.
Don't take her out of het cage for a while. She needs to feel safe there. I wouldn't even reach into the cage when she's watching.

Anyway, that's what I would do. Assuming that the aggression is really directed at you and that there isn't something else going on, like the things Chuck brought up.

- Suzanne
Are you wearing bright colours when you approach your cham. I have a few Panthers that go mental when I approach their cage with a red t-shirt on....
That might be why, some of my clothing is always bright. And it might also be hormonal, I'm not sure, I heard someone say that right now my cham. is a "teenager" chameleon. :p
Your female Cham most likely thinks you are looking at other chams and she doesn't like it.

Experiement with different colored shirts, see how that goes. I'd say start with a medium shade of green
Who Knows...My guy is the same way. Bright colors always through him off, but there are times when he lets me hold him without getting too stressed.

The way his cage is setup he has to go to the ground first to get on the screen, and once he is on the screen he's not figured out that he also has to go down to the ground to get back to the plants. So when i find him stuck to the screen of his cage for some time i grab him and put him back on the branches and plants and he has no problem with that. If i try to grab him off the branches he will freak out and try to bite me :D.
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