What's in cricket crack?



I want to make sure the right stuff is in it, and not addicting stuff that attracts the crickets...which isn't that nutritional for my Cham. Anyone know?
no one knows.
its a secret concoction from sswissmiss.
its 'addicting' to the crickets cuz it tastes good.

its a great dry gutload to add.

i use it, and my chams have never been better.
I believe the ingredients are listed on the bag? Not at home to look..

But judging by my crickets and dubias reaction... Im pretty sure there is actually crack in it!:eek:
I have been using it for years and I have healthy chams. My crickets don't die off and I supplement the crack with fresh veggies and fruit as I have it. It is so worth trying out a pound. It lasts a long time.
Any places in California sell it? Looking to try some out. Also, does anybody use CC as a staple for your feeders?
The ingredients are listed on the packaging. I'm not home to look right now but I know they're there - I don't use anything if I don't know what the ingredients are. It's got a bunch of good stuff in it. I still also offer veggies to complement it for better nutrition.
I mean no offense to the maker of the cricket crack, but if you do use it be cautious of swelling around the neck or under arms. Make sure it is not the primary gutload. Use fresh veggies, fruits, and other gutloads.
I personally think the bee pollen causes gular edema (or some other form of liquid build up) and many people I have spoken to who use bee pollen have seen gular edema occur.

In my experience with gular edema (where c.c. was the gutload) I increased misting a lot, and gutloaded on only fresh veggies and the swelling went away in about 3-4 weeks. So it seems as if it does occur it can go away through gutloading the crickets with cleansing veggies and fruits.

To my best knowledge bee pollen is in cricket crack so that is why I warn you if you use it.

Once again I mean no offense to the maker of c.c. that is just my opinion and experience with it.
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I mean no offense to the maker of the cricket crack, but if you do use it be cautious of swelling around the neck or under arms. Make sure it is not the primary gutload. Use fresh veggies, fruits, and other gutloads.
I personally think the bee pollen causes gular edema (or some other form of liquid build up) and many people I have spoken to who use bee pollen have seen gular edema occur.

In my experience with gular edema (where c.c. was the gutload) I increased misting a lot, and gutloaded on only fresh veggies and the swelling went away in about 3-4 weeks. So it seems as if it does occur it can go away through gutloading the crickets with cleansing veggies and fruits.

To my best knowledge bee pollen is in cricket crack so that is why I warn you if you use it.

Once again I mean no offense to the maker of c.c. that is just my opinion and experience with it.

There is a montane version of the cricket crack. What species are you talking about with edema?
There is a montane version of the cricket crack. What species are you talking about with edema?

Furcifer pardalis. I have seen it in multiple cases. I am not a vet so no one has to believe me by any means. I just have seen other cases where bee pollen is used to gut load and the swelling occurs. I think some gutload recipes on here are to packed with vitamins, and to much other stuff. I think having tons of spirulina, bee pollen, and tons of other very concetrated vitamin supplements are to hard on our chameleons. I think the main gutloads should be dark greens and oranges with small amounts of flukers cricket diet or cricket crack thrown in on occassion. I just dont see crickets in madagascar eating spirulina and bee pollen ect in the wild in as high doses as those brands have. Hope this makes sense.
Buy a bag and read them, it's listed. The amounts won't be on there for obvious reasons. I've always had great results by using "dat CRACKKKK" :D:cool:

Once you go crack, you won't go back.
Well you see the CIA created and sold it to inner city people. Then it spread to everyone of all class. Now the inner city crickets want it. The chameleons get the effects from eating the inner city crickets that feed on cricket crack. So now the chameleons are telling their owners/handlers about it. So the owners/handlers are getting it to feed to their crickets so the crickets can be FED to their chameleons. Its one big cycle.
Hope This Helps!! LOL :D
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