whats the cost?


New Member
So Im really in the consideration stage of getting a chameleon.... more like commited but need the money. so how much would a descent setup cost to get started and what are some quality products to look into?
There is nothing wrong with glass enclosures , but screen is much more forgiving. Regulating temps in glass is the biggest concern, then bacterial growth, due to damp conditions and poor drainage.
I spent about 300 upfront for a panther as a gift for my boyfriend (not including chameleon, and the cage was a 2x2x4.) I had some stuff left over from my first chameleon, Henry, so I only got a screen cage, the lights, and plants for my second and third chameleons. As it turns out, my panther doesn't even really like being in a cage so that was a waste.
If you are worried about money WAIT. I have spent around $800 for my panther since may 22nd. The Cham itself was $125. Yes as a new owner I had some trial & error issues to work out that cost money. I spent $80 on a 260 galloon reptarrium but with all the furnishings, suplements, variety of food, correct lighting, lighting holders, Cleaners, containers, gutloads, mister & dripper I ended up spending way more & spent a number trips to home depot, the garden store & ordered a lot from ghanns, joshs frogs, & mulberry farms.

Good luck & know what u are getting into. Do research a lot!!!
I sold my bike to get a chameleon. At first, I bought a small enclosure, it was 12X16X18, and I bought it off a friend for like 20 bucks. My cham was about $180. Since I live in California, I carried him outside everyday. I didn't buy a UVB light at all, just a heat lamp and bulb, that was like $20 total.

As weeks went by I started putting a couple dollars here, and a couple dollars there, but it didn't feel like anything since it was just a few dollars. I eventually bought a reptibreeze XL for him and a few plants, that was like $100 total.

Though be warned, once you have all the supplies for a chameleon, it's very hard not to get another. Since I had that small old cage, my family aquired another Cham, and since we had all the supplements already, aswell as the crickets and vines and such, it seemed like a waste to leave that cage there.

Have fun!
You will also need to put away a few hundred dollars for any potential vet bills. Chams are wonderful and rewarding to own but as an owner you are responsible for its health and well being. They have a real habit of getting sick when the bank account is empty or when you are on vacation. :)
once you have all the supplies for a chameleon, it's very hard not to get another. Since I had that small old cage, my family aquired another Cham, and since we had all the supplements already, aswell as the crickets and vines and such, it seemed like a waste to leave that cage there.

This is where I am now! I just ordered a 2x2x4 screen cage from LLL to use while I make some modifications to the oak crib. Once those are done I will have two large cages for one cham...Hmmm?
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well thanks for the heads up. Ill be doing alot of research anyways and I have plenty of time. Just wanted to hear some feedback from you all.
Chameleon - anywhere from $40-400! Depending on what you want.
Cage - baby/juvie cage - ~$40-60 / adult cage - $80-100
Reptisun 5.0 - ~$20-30
Hood - $9 at home depot
Household bulb and dome for hot spot - $10-20
Something to mist with - $10-20 pump sprayer / $100-200 for professional misting system
Plants - $20-50, depending on type and how many.
Supplements - ~$15-20
Food (insects) - $40-60 a month or so.

= Average of $300-500 or more, depending on different combinations of the above.

That's all I can think of now... I'm sure I forgot something. That's roughly been true for me. I do have more than one cham, so the food might be more expensive, but you definitely want to buy in bulk and breed them if you can.

It's an expensive pet, for sure. But that's mainly the start-up cost. Even with 5 chameleons, I don't spend very much a month on them besides food or new plants. However, vets are expensive, especially reptile vets, so it's good to have at least $300-400 saved away somewhere for an emergency. That's enough to cover an x-ray and several other diagnostic tests should anything happen.

But it's also a joy. I love my chameleons to death, and I thoroughly enjoy interacting with them. So it's expensive, but it's a very interesting experience too.
Indeed, Olimpia has put up a really good general idea of the initial expenses.
Also, lights get replaced twice a year depending on usage.
The main thing I took away from #1 doing research, and #2 actually getting everything set up, is that everyone has different techniques to keep reptiles in their home. Basically, most of the things I have spent money on that were not already mentioned are things you know(or later "learn") you want to have/make and are normally done with a few trips to good ol' Home Depot. These are the things that have put me over the range of $1000.
When I started I said OK..600-800(very similar to what Olimpia has came to) to SET IT ALL UP
Then that became 1000-1500 for what is now a really quality set-up.
I spent about 250 on chameleon shipped, 100 for lights, mister, and calcium. I had a cage that I built before for bout 50 bucks or so. So your probably looking @ 350-500 bucks depending on the equipment & chameleon u get.
olympia pretty much sumed it up for you. but you can save alot of money if you know how to build a cage. and I only spend no more than $20 for food a month.
New Owner/expenses/hints

I too am new to Cham ownership. I have done tons of research and am currently waiting on my little one to arrive. As for initial expense I have about $600 in so far and I still have things to get prior to the arrival. So from what I have learned it can be a rewarding pet, but be prepared because proper care and set up does cost more than a few bucks to get going and then there is proper care & maintanance expenses too. So good luck if you choose to pursue ownership, but be sure to do lots of research first so you know what your getting into. I am sure I will be looking for some advice from my fellow much more experienced Cham lovers once my guy arrives!
Any helpful hints to get me in the right direction would be great if anyone can share?
Kammerflage Kreation

I just purchased a panther from kammerflage kreations. I am still waiting for him and the supplies to arrive but I will say for the price you get a lot from them. It is 274 or their small cage package with shipping and that is everything you are suppose to need less food source. I got lazy and went ahead and bought an automated misting system from pro mister. Kammerflage gave me a discount since I ordered everything except the misting system from them. The breakdown is as follows:
Panther Chameleon-235
22 piece enclosure package-250
Pro Mist-135
Miscellaneous-(Food etc) 20
Thats 640 total shipped, I'm sure you could get by cheaper if you had the skills to do things your self.
Its not cheap! :rolleyes: I've had my chameleon since Jan and i've spent well over a grand on her. I wasted money on somethings tho, like i was told to buy a compact bulb for her but only when i came on here and found out how bad they were, changed now. I think if you take notice to people on here you'll be able to get the right set up without making the mistake of buying the wrong stuff then having to go and buy the right things (many people have done that, me being one of them) you will save money that way. Also i find things a lot cheaper to buy on the net, i once paid £150 on a cage for my cham in a pet shop to go online and find the same one for £80 :mad: Also i have opened another bank account and put some of my wages into it every month for vet bills.
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