What's the difference between a male and female chameleon?


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Male or female?


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Are you looking to figure out if you have a male or female??
Males will have a spur on the heel of their back feet.
I want to say male but the cham looks young so with time you will be able to tell better. I think I see a small bump but I am not positive.
At that size you should already be able to see a noticable spur. When they are newly hatched it is already there, but is very small. That chameleon seems to be a couple of months old already so there would be little guessing. If you post a couple more pics we could tell you for sure, but like I said in the other post, it looks like a girl to me from that pic.
At that size you should already be able to see a noticable spur. When they are newly hatched it is already there, but is very small. That chameleon seems to be a couple of months old already so there would be little guessing. If you post a couple more pics we could tell you for sure, but like I said in the other post, it looks like a girl to me from that pic.


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At that size you should already be able to see a noticable spur. When they are newly hatched it is already there, but is very small. That chameleon seems to be a couple of months old already so there would be little guessing. If you post a couple more pics we could tell you for sure, but like I said in the other post, it looks like a girl to me from that pic.
And at petco it came with another chameleon but this one was 2 times the size than the other one and they are both the same age
And at petco it came with another chameleon but this one was 2 times the size than the other one and they are both the same age

Unless the one is not eating or is sick, there should not be a large difference in size if they are the same age. Males will be larger over time, but when young they seem to grow about the same rate as far as I have seen. Sometimes they will feel stressed and not eat when in small enclosures. That is part of the reason it is not advised to keep more than one in the same enclosure.
Make sure to pay attention to the lower basking temps for females and the ways to attempt to slow egg production. Proper supplementation is key as well. The links at the bottom of the caresheets are very useful and will set you on a course for success! She is very cute :).
The differences between a male and female. Males usually get bigger, have more color, and are usually more aggressive. They don't lay eggs, and usually live longer because of it.

Females usually are more docile. They lay eggs and like was mentioned steps should be taken to reduce how many she has as to minimize the whole shorter life thing. With the laying of eggs she will need a laying ben because at around 6 months she will lay eggs rather she has been with a male or not. So to cap it all up the females need a little more attention, but are well worth thee experience. please look into the care sheets as was mentioned it is real easy to get in over your head with any chameleon especially a female if you don't know what your are doing. That's what we are here for good luck. and congrats.
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