What's wrong with my Vadge..?

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Guys, I'm really not sure what's wrong with her... She keeps closing her eyes, sometimes only closing one, and keeping the other open... If I have a cricket on my hand or something, and shake her leaves with my finger, she'll open her eyes and eagerly try to get the cricket off my hand.
When her eyes are open, I can't see any signs of trouble, like... they look normal... Uhmmm.... The temperatures are all good, humidity is good... uuhhm, I mist enough. she eats enough. and she seems generally happy... (This started two days ago) I can't think of anything else to tell you guys, so. If you know the problem, or know what I can/should do. Please please tell me. Vadge is really important.

Thanks in advance.
closed eyes during the day is an indication of something wrong, obviously, but she is prob. sick. i would take her to vet if she keeps it up.
Yeah.. I know the vet is an obvious choice, I just can't really afford it.... If I have to though, I will take her. No questions asked.
Funniest. Thread. Title. Ever.

In my experience it could be any number of problems but perhaps the most common are:
1. dietary: might want to try changing/adding to your gutloading and supplementing regimin if necessary.

2. irritation: try heavy misting or a shower to attempt to lubricate eye. Bausch and Lomb's Sterile Eye Wash is also a good, safe product to have on hand for chameleons.

3. environmental: is she doing this late in the day? Is she perched somewhere with plenty of light when she does this or has she gotten into a shaded area?
Going back through old posts I see that we don't have any info on your caging, lighting, etc...
Can you please answer these questions using brand names and if you have any pics that would be great.
The things that come to my mind are: Are you using compact UVB or do you have a Reptarium or any plants that you did not wash thoroughly before using...
Cage Info:
Cage Type - What kind of cage are you using? What is the size?
Lighting - What kind of lighting are you using? How long do you keep the lights on during the day?
Temperature - What temperature range have you created? Basking spot temp? What is the temperature at night?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Location - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas?

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What kind of schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What are you dusting your feeders with and what kind of schedule do you use?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings.
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
Current Problem - The current problem that you are concerned about.
I thought you had a male?

What brand and type (spiral/compact or tube/linear) UVB light do you use?

How old is the chameleon now?

Was she roaming the cage at all lately? Does she have a suitable place to lay eggs?
Well, I'm glad you guys are all getting a kick out of this. But I'm kinda worried about her. And in repliance to the one post, I THOUGHT she was a he, but she wasn't. so. Yeah, anyways.... I'll post some pictures I suppose uhmmm as for Julirs post, Thats to much for me to answer right now, I'll some it up in, The habitat is just fine. Three people have said so. (lights are good too) as for the FECALMATTER, thats fine looking, she's a Veiled and about.... 4-5months old. Uhmm here I'll find a nice picture of her.

Here we go

I don't feel like uploading a bunch, so just... Enjoy that one for now : P
It is just a bit hard to help you when all you can say is "the habitiat is just fine". Many people told me the habitiat that killed my first chameleon was "just fine". Can you at least answer if you are using a compact UVB bulb?
Yeah, anyways.... I'll post some pictures I suppose uhmmm as for Julirs post, Thats to much for me to answer right now, I'll some it up in, The habitat is just fine. Three people have said so. (lights are good too) as for the FECALMATTER, thats fine looking, she's a Veiled and about.... 4-5months old. Uhmm here I'll find a nice picture of her.

Here we go

I don't feel like uploading a bunch, so just... Enjoy that one for now : P

I have learned that if you want the best support and best advice, you have to give all the information that is needed... You may be hearing from some people that if is "ok" but that doesnt mean that it is... there are A LOT of people who think that they know what is "ok" when infact it is NOT OK! We have to see pictures and have all the right information to get a good idea of what is TOTALLY going on... you say that "you dont feel like loading up pictures" We dont want pictures to "enjoy" them, they are to get a look to see if maybe there is something wrong like sunken in eyes or too skinny etc. IMO I think that you are being lazy when it comes to the care of your chameleon.. maybe that is the problem all togther... sorry.
Ahem. Hardly being lazy with her (although I am lazy myself). and the reason I don't feel like uploading a bunch of pictures is cause I had to get going. Although true I didn't state it, no need to jump to conclusions hrm? Regardless. The bulb is a tube. Has the little ends, looks like... =[ ]= that. :) then I have two heat bulbs. as for the rest of the habitat, she currently has papertowel floorings which will be Cocofiber in two days. Uhmmm what else. She has hotspots and cool spots, Temp stays around 90, She has lots to climb on. And..... What else is there needed to be said? Oh right, I have one plant in there (It's the safest one I had) Which is a Croton, she doesn't eat from it, so I leave it in there (If she had started nibbling it, I was going to take it out) I keep lights on for 12 hours a day The tarium is over by where nobody BUT ME goes, no air vents nothing. She likes to eat, drinks regularly (although doesn't really like getting sprayed) I dust her food and humidity is around 40 ish oh right, and at night, it goes to about 70 (temperature) There, all good now? : )
...The bulb is a tube. Has the little ends, looks like... =[ ]=
...I have two heat bulbs.

...she currently has papertowel floorings which will be Cocofiber in two days.

...I dust her food...

If you could, please provide the mfgr and model UVB fluorescent tube that you are using. Some mfgrs and models of fluorescent UVB (even linear ones) tubes are very good and others have the ability to kill a chameleon.

A good sanity check of heat levels is to stick your hand at the basking spot and hold it there for a minute. If it doesn't feel too hot to you, it probably isn't a health problem for your chameleon.

My favorite chameleon enclosure floor is a clean PVC surface drilled with a dozen 3/16 holes for drainage to drain to a pan underneath rather than some kind of material that gets soaked.

What brand and type of supplements are you using? How often?
the "matter of fact" attitude does not become you.

:eek: i don't believe that you are right in putting a poisonous plant in your chameleon cage. http://www.cookiebabyinc.com/poisonousplants/croton.html
this is a fact sheet about affects on human. just think, it could possibly kill your chameleon or cause severe damage. please take the croton plant away from her! if you are on a budget, a few dollars will get some fake plants so that she has foliage in there - until you get something non-toxic :).

40% humidity is a bit too low. does it increase when you mist, and what does it go to? how often do you mist? what is the duration? do you have a dripper in there? by answering peoples questions thoroughly it allows us to give the best possible answers. when i mist my enclosure it gets as high as 95% in one area. the rest of the time its usually about 60% because i have a dripper going 12h/day with the light cycle. it is important to give these guys the humid environment to stay hydrated.

you said that she is keeping her eyes closed. in my honest opinion your chameleon is very dehydrated. try taking her in to the bathroom and steaming it up:eek:. place her on a branch in a dry area, then turn the water on HOT to let it get all steamy. if you have an adjustable head on your shower you could let a light lukewarm mist near her. this is what i would try to help get her re hydrated. even if you think that i may be wrong, it doesn't hurt to increase humidity for her health.

Steaming isn't a bad Idea, I might do that. And uhmm, as for the Croton. I was given a link to something on these forums (if I remember correctly) and it said the croton was alright, BUT, if the chameleon starts eating it, then take it out. So, thats what I've been checking every day for. Also, when I mist it gets around 60ish. Hrmm.... and I mist about twice a day, and I also have the dripper going 12 hours like the lights. Oh right, and she has quite a few fake plants.
Did you repot your plant.. though it is poisonious... you have to put it into totally organic soil and wash it down with antibacterial soap to get rid of pesticides... do you have your food free roam or is it cup fed... what are you feeding her?
Plant was repotted, and I feed her Crickets! and once in awhile a meal worm. I do kind of two things, I hand feed her, and I let her food just hop around. She has no objections to my hand, and I think she likes chasing the crickets. : P

Oh right, and... If you guys really hate the plant that much, I'll take it out.
Can you show us some pictures of Vadge's cage and setup? And can you answer Dave Weldon's question about the type of lamp you are using? We need to know the brand and the model.

You should read through this site. It will teach you a lot about the proper lighting needed for your chameleon.

Also, why do you have two heat lamps? What type of heat lamp is it (red, blue, heat coil)? What is the wattage? Who makes it?
Well, Good news, I think my Vadge is getting better. I believe DarkRapture was right, she was just a bit dehydrated. I gave her a steam, and she seemed to like it. Now as I type this... Vadge is kinda, staying on my shirt, She's very sticky ;) and doesn't seem to want to come off me. Thanks for your help everyone : ) Vadge thanks you too.
everyone thats like omg u have to put it in organic soil makes me laugh, because they were told that by someone else lol
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